Monthly Archive: August 2008

Ice Cream Rolls 4

Ice Cream Rolls

My son decided that he wanted to skip over the traditional Cake and ice cream for his birthday and go for the ultimate mash-up… The Ice Cream Roll.  Recipe, instruction, ingredients, and more photos...

The man in black 0

The man in black

I’ve got some video that I need to get posted, and I was waiting until they were done to put this photo with it, but I’m just taking too long. All of the Artists...

Batman inspired items 0

Batman inspired items

I’m a big fan of Batman.  I knew that if I had the money and an adequate desire for vengeance, I could be Batman.  Now there are products on the market that can get...

Treadwall 2


Just when you thought that people were getting outdoors and exercising, somebody has found a way to bring it indoors.  More information at Brewer’s Ledge. [kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”323″ width=”400″ /] by

True Fandom 3

True Fandom

In July of 2005 I started drawing a weekly sketch for the Philadelphia Morning Call segment called the Bloggernaut.  Each week a new blog would get profiles and I would make up a little...

Web Shows 0

Web Shows

I haven’t completely researched this yet but I find it fascinating.  I wanted to be an animator for Disney.  I interviewed and sent in portfolios and never made it.  I tried Fox Animation and...