Category: video

Throwback Thursday #tbt 0

Throwback Thursday #tbt

I was working to update some information on my resume when I can across a little video that I put together from the Star Wars Celebration Japan back in 2008. This was a pretty...


The Ikea Death Star

Congratulations to my sister and brother-in-law on the birth of their new baby! They asked me to make something to go along with the baby’s Star Wars themed room. At first I was going to...

Introducing Lightsticks! 2

Introducing Lightsticks!

I’ve been working on a new item to sell at upcoming conventions.  I call them “LightSticks” and I think that they’re pretty magical.  You turn your camera’s flash ON, hold the LightStick in front...

Thank you Songify… Gingers have Souls 0

Thank you Songify… Gingers have Souls

so, I just wanted to let you know that I love the internet… Here’s what happens, somebody makes a video rant, posts it on YouTube, it gets millions of hits and then the internet...

ShadowBox Comics 0

ShadowBox Comics

ShadowBox Comics has been on my mind for a few years now.  I’ve written a few other articles laying the groundwork for this project, but it’s moving along a bit slower than I would...

A Horrible Idea 0

A Horrible Idea

All the way back in 2007-2008 the Writers Guild of America staged a Writers’ Strike. This mass refusal to work brought the entertainment industry to a standstill for it’s 14 week duration. One of...

Good ‘ole Innovation 0

Good ‘ole Innovation

The other day I saw a random post inviting me to follow a link and check out the way that Disney made cartoons “Back in the Day”.  I love animation, and more specify, I...

The Clone Wars UNLEASHED 1

The Clone Wars UNLEASHED

Tonight is the special advanced theatrical screening of the next 3 episodes of the Clone Wars.  This new story should give us a little more information about Asajj Ventress’ backstory as well as introduce...