Mixed Emotions
Before After It’s been a strange mix of emotions for me the past few weeks. I’ve really enjoyed having the Bandit, and the new video is looking AWESOME, but in the end it’s just...
The work of Spencer Brinkerhoff III
Before After It’s been a strange mix of emotions for me the past few weeks. I’ve really enjoyed having the Bandit, and the new video is looking AWESOME, but in the end it’s just...
Dear Post Cereal, I would like to point out a gross misrepresentation on the packaging of your cereal Honey Bunches of Oats. There is a large red banner across the top of the box...
Here’s another video that uses the Tilt-shift technique to make that real world appear miniaturized. Metal Heart from Keith Loutit on Vimeo. by
I am thankful for my friends and family, for my fellow artists and art lovers. I am thankful for the blessing that it is to have the opportunity to dream and imagine.  ...
Heheheh! My photoshop skills have made it to the front page of StarWars.com!  😀  by
I just can’t stop laughing at the Domo-bacca photoshop picture that I made! Bonnie over at the official Star Wars blog wrote up a bit about it here. by
I thought that Domo-bacca was a good idea. How about we put a big furry wookie-like creature wearing a faux furry t-shirt of a wookie. 😀 by
My friend Jess and I were talking about Domo. She had just bought Domo as Dracula and suggested that he be turned into Chewbacca. I thought it was a great idea! The funny thing...
A tilt-shift camera lens can be used in a process of “Miniature faking”. It involves selectively blurring a photo to simulate the narrow depth of field found in macro photography. By creating a narrow...
A friend of mine sent me this image this morning and I couldn’t stop laughing. I looked online to find the original photos and came across some other ones that I thought I would...