Family Size?

Dear Post Cereal,

I would like to point out a gross misrepresentation on the packaging of your cereal Honey Bunches of Oats.  There is a large red banner across the top of the box with the claim that the cereal is “Family Size”.  I haven’t really seen any other markings on the box to define the size of a family but I have to tell you, it doesn’t work for my family.  You see, my wife and I have SIX children, but we are also helping out with my wife’s sisters.  One sister has moved in with us from Indiana with her SIX children and the other has come from Utah with ONE child.  This brings our grand total to SEVENTEEN people in our FAMILY.  Our newborn won’t be eating any solid foods for a while but as you can see in the photo below, we’ve got lots of mouths to feed.

Please keep us in mind as you prepare your products that are created and designated as “Family Size”.  If you would like to contact us to test out any of these “Family Size” products we would be more than happy to give you a full survey of consumption and general level of satisfaction.

Thank you,

Spencer L. Brinkerhoff III and the B-17s


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9 Responses

  1. Sherman Cobb says:

    Specer, Are you the Spencer from Flagstaff? I think my sister Sarah Cobb went to HS with you at COCONINO HS. Let me know if you are.

  2. Natalie says:

    OMGOODNESS SPENCER!!!! Where do you hide your halo and wings? 🙂

  3. Shellie says:

    Holy COW. Now that’s a great picture.

  4. Spencer says:

    I let the kids borrow the halo and wings. I think that it’s buried in the back yard somewhere.

  5. Erin says:

    I love this, that’s just funny stuff! Saint Spencer has a ring to it…

  6. Spencer says:

    no response from post cereal yet. Maybe they think I faked the photo!

  7. Erin says:

    Then post cereal rep’s must be blind, because you can’t fake the family resemblence! Remarkable.

  8. Spencer says:

    heheh. Just to clarify, they aren’t ALL my kids.

  1. March 30, 2009

    […] families, of my wife’s sisters and their children have moved in with us. There are currently 17 people living in my house and this video is a snapshot from a day in MY life. Heaven help […]

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