Behold the Micro-nauts!

A tilt-shift camera lens can be used in a process of “Miniature faking”.  It involves selectively blurring a photo to simulate the narrow depth of field found in macro photography.  By creating a narrow depth of field, the image appear to be of a miniature model.

This is from Wikipedia; “On a regular camera, the image plane (containing the film or image sensor), lens plane, and object plane are parallel, and objects in sharp focus are all at the same distance from the camera. When the lens plane is tilted relative to the image plane, the PoF is at an angle to the image plane, and objects at different distances from the camera can all be sharply focused if they lie on a straight line.”
This is what it looks like on a video.

Beached from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

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3 Responses

  1. December 1, 2008

    […] another video that uses the Tilt-shift technique to make that real world appear […]

  2. January 29, 2009

    […] saw this post on Gizmodo (via the Star Wars Blog) about some new tilt shift photos.  I wrote about tilt shift in an earlier post, but the idea is to make the subject of the photo look tiny by creating a narrow […]

  3. April 29, 2009

    […] written about tilt-shift photos and video in the past, but I just can’t get enough of it!  It makes me feel like I’m watching a Saturday […]

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