Category: video

Treadwall 2


Just when you thought that people were getting outdoors and exercising, somebody has found a way to bring it indoors.  More information at Brewer’s Ledge. [kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”323″ width=”400″ /] by

Web Shows 0

Web Shows

I haven’t completely researched this yet but I find it fascinating.  I wanted to be an animator for Disney.  I interviewed and sent in portfolios and never made it.  I tried Fox Animation and...

356, 845, 1440 2

356, 845, 1440

I wrote that yesterday I sent in a link to my Clone High School Musical video to  When I sent the email the video had 356 views.  That evening it had 845 views...

New Clone Wars trailer 0

New Clone Wars trailer

I would recommend going HERE and downloading the HD version to see the perfect version of this trailer. Here’s the youTube version to tide you over. by

Star Wars Weekends 0

Star Wars Weekends

Recently George Lucas was quoted as saying that he controls what happens in the movies and that the other stuff ie the books and comics etc. he really doesn’t have anything to do with....