Category: television
Televison Everywhere: YouTube
The other day I was listening to a podcast called This Week in Media. One of the reoccurring themes of this media podcast is the conversation about the future of TV. When my family...
Saturday Morning Memories: GI JOE
GI Joe was a staple part of my Television diet growing up. I had the action figures and the vehicles, but I don’t think that I ever went overboard with GI Joe. So, true...
We’re not in Smallville anymore
I have watched Smallville since day 1. I used to set up TWO TVs and VCRs so that I could record Smallville and Roswell because they were on at the same time. I really...
Barclaycard Advert
In this day and age of digital effects and computer animation, I find myself not really being surprised by what I see on TV or in the movies. It’s nice to see a fun...
What I watch…When I get to it
I learned an interesting term a little while back. It turns out I’m a time shifter. Pretty cool eh? There are quite a few shows on TV that I’m interested in, BUT between having...
What’s up Chuck?
I like Chuck. I’ll be writing more about what I’m watching a bit later but I wanted to share this first thing. This short video is made to exist with in the world of...
More clips of the Scarlet Pimpernel
I think that we need some more clips of the Scarlet Pimpernel. by
They Seek him here, They Seek him there…
…that damned elusive Pimpernel! When I was in College my friend Eldon introduced me to the Scarlet Pimpernel. I thought that the movie was fun and the character to be a sort of Batman/Zorro...
Bring back Star Wars
There’s a series on tv in the UK called “Bring Back“.  The show host Justin Lee Collins tries to locate people from music, TV or film backgrounds to reunite them for a one-off performance...