Celebration V Countdown: sketch II
Here’s a quick sample image of the Photo-sketches that I’ll be doing at the show. by
The work of Spencer Brinkerhoff III
Here’s a quick sample image of the Photo-sketches that I’ll be doing at the show. by
Here are a couple of the collectables I’ll be having at the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando Florida August 12-15, 2010. I’ll be drawing on 2.5″x3.5″ sketch cards designed like the vintage action figure...
The show is starting up this week! Â I am super happy to announce that I have just found out that the licensing has approved a new design to debut at the convention. Â Here’s the...
I’ve put together some images to create a 360 view of the helmet I worked on for the TK Project. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://studiosb3.com/shadowboxes/tkhelmet.swf” height=”380″ width=”560″ /] by
Here are a couple of images of the helmet I made for the Charity Auction at the Star Wars Celebration in Florida. Â When I started to see all of the wonderful art work on...
Here it is, video #5 for the TK Project. The Star Wars costuming group the 501st Stormtooper Legion is inviting Honorary Members, Friends Of the Legion and a few 501st troopers to create one...
Almost there! Stay on Target! I just put together some images for the helmet and I’m pretty happy seeing it right up next to some of the concept drawings. It’s not a copy of...
Here is video #3 for the TK Project.  The Star Wars costuming group the 501st Stormtooper Legion is inviting Honorary Members, Friends Of the Legion and a few 501st troopers to create one of a...
In addition to the Limited Edition Exclusive print that I will have available at the convention, I have also made some fancy little sketch cards.  For $30 you can commission a single character and get a...
Here is video #2 for the TK Project.  The Star Wars costuming group the 501st Stormtooper Legion is inviting Honorary Members, Friends Of the Legion and a few 501st troopers to create one of a...