Studios B3 Blog

Everything old is new again 0

Everything old is new again

I watched a lot of TV when I was a kid, and I loved it. Those shows were the BEST, but I don’t want to watch them now. I don’t want to ruin my...

Shoestring Cinema Presents TRON 2

Shoestring Cinema Presents TRON

Well it’s not the whole movie, and I made up the name Shoestring Cinema (I think I did?) but this is WONDERFUL! I’m going to try and find some more information about it but...

Can you Dig it? 2

Can you Dig it?

When deciding what size trampoline to get the kids for Christmas, we opted for the larger one without the netting thinking that we would just bury it in the ground. HA! That’s just a...

Ahw man! 0

Ahw man!

Well, the top 20 videos selected by Schick and open to public vote were announced today. Unfortunately, the video that I made was not one of them. I’d like to think that there was...

eBay again 0

eBay again

I wonder if it’s my sketches that they want or if it’s just the fact that it’s part of the Lord of the Rings set. Not matter what their reasoning may be, I feel...

Now on sale…me 3

Now on sale…me

Really it’s just some of my work. The Indiana Jones Heritage Sketch Cards that I worked on are on sale now. by

One Schick Video 4

One Schick Video

I’ve been bit by the contest bug. I put the deadlines for a bunch of contests in my calendar so that I can try and be better organized about entering them. I’m still waiting...

Total Video Views: 11,109 1

Total Video Views: 11,109

I went over to the Bandit page on to see if there were any new posts about my video. I don’t really visit the site very often, I just signed up to enter...

Welcome to the BlogSite! 0

Welcome to the BlogSite!

I was noticing that Blogging is kinda fun, kinda addicting and it makes for a good way to communicate.  (I love that I have a “category” called “random”.)  So, it was time to update...