Author: Spencer


Snow Trooper ShadowBox

This new shadow box commission is on it’s way to Australia.  I had a great time putting it together and right in the middle of it’s production I came up with an idea for...

A Horrible Idea 0

A Horrible Idea

All the way back in 2007-2008 the Writers Guild of America staged a Writers’ Strike. This mass refusal to work brought the entertainment industry to a standstill for it’s 14 week duration. One of...

Good ‘ole Innovation 0

Good ‘ole Innovation

The other day I saw a random post inviting me to follow a link and check out the way that Disney made cartoons “Back in the Day”.  I love animation, and more specify, I...

Photo Enforcement P10: JUSTICE! 1

Photo Enforcement P10: JUSTICE!

Sorry for the delayed update, but I thought this was over, and then it wasn’t, and now it is, so we can move on.  For all the bravado that I exuded in these posts...

Photo Enforcement P9: Subpoena 4

Photo Enforcement P9: Subpoena

In preparation to present my case to the judge next week, I contacted RedFlex to gather information about the calibration records and testing results of their system. Cameras and sensors embedded in the pavement...

Photo Enforcement P8: DENIED! 4

Photo Enforcement P8: DENIED!

When I saw on the Case Lookup site that my court date was still set after the judge had received and ruled on my motion, I knew that it had been denied.  I got...

Photo Enforcement P7: 2nd Motion 0

Photo Enforcement P7: 2nd Motion

It was suggested that I take action and file a complaint against the court.  After a couple of hours of phone calls, I discovered that complaints are NOT filed against the court, they are...

Photo Enforcement P6: Trial Date 0

Photo Enforcement P6: Trial Date

Um, I thought that I asked to have this case dismissed? The court case tracking system shows that they recieved the letter on January 12th, 2011 as a “Not Guilty/Not Responsible Plea”. While...

Photo Enforcement P5: My Motion 1

Photo Enforcement P5: My Motion

So here I was, waiting to here back from the “no-show” court about the snow day that I braved in vain. I was talking to a friend of mine that said, “You shouldn’t wait...