Mini-Tumbler afterthoughts…
I got to thinking about the go-kart Batmobile that I posted about.  This guy really has a genius idea on his hands.  He has created this Batmobile because he loves it.  His passion has moved him to action.  It looks like he spent around $2,000.00 to make the go-kart and now he’s selling the plans for about $40.00.  So you send him a PayPal money order, and he sends an email back to you with the plans as an attachment.  He’s selling an email! An email?!?! That’s like selling air!
He has documented the complete build of the kart, so why not make a DVD available as well? Â WAIT A SECOND! Â Some of those parts are kinda tricky to make on my own, so why doesn’t he offer “upgrades” to standard go-kart kits and then sell custom parts? Â All this potential money generated from his obsession over the Batmobile. Â I’ve got to start applying this principle to some of the stuff I obsess over and hope I can avoid any legal entanglements. Â 😀