The First Duct Taped Avenger part III
To complete Duct Taped Avenger costume, we decided to make the helmet/mask. I started with a grocery bag over my sons head, but I warned all of the other children that we DON’T put bags on our heads! I put some tape around the eyes and nose to work to define the shape of the mask. I drew the eye holes on it (added some pupils for fun), then cut out the eyes.
I added some vertical strips of tape to the nose to define the bridge and the brow line for the mask. I used smaller pieces of tape and around the eyes and then wrapped the extra tape through the eye hole to make a clean edge. Then I cut the tape and angled it on to block out the shape of the ear holes and the back of the helmet.
With the head covered with the blue tape, I cut out some strips of white to make the details for the “A”.
Then we added the “Wings” on the sides, a chin strap, and then outside for some photos in the full costume
Last a little video overview and seeing the shield in action. In the video I talked about the costume being tacked together with “glue” and I meant to say tape. ;P