I just can’t trust a company called “Killspencer”
I found this article over at Uncrate. Killspencer is a new brand of manly fashion bags hand-crafted in Los Angeles. The thing that sets these bags apart from other bags is their material. Their three different collections are made from “used in combat” military truck tarps, aged coated cotton canvas or bags made from black nylon and white tarpaulin material. All Killspencer bags use military spec hardware, including waterproof zippers and cobra buckles. It truely is a manly bag.
Art Center product design student Spencer Nikosey unveiled his brand and amazing product line at the senior show on Dec. 12th, 2008. The video below is a pre-curser to a follow up of product shots and details.

But would you accessorize with the ‘Killspencer’ bags? Or maybe use them in an illustration . . .
I can’t log into facebook but got your hilarious comment – gave me a big smile so I thought I’d google you to see if I could find another way to contact you in case I never facebook again –
btw, I mispelled your last name and google asked me if I meant Brinkerhoff (I originally spelled it Brinkoff) – pretty cool! take care and maybe I’ll facebook again and maybe I won’t
Hey Cynthia! (Happy Birthday!)
I think that the idea that this company was a design student’s senior project, and that the bags are made from REAL military gear is all kinds of Awesome! I wouldn’t mind having one of the bags because it has such a great story behind it.