Clone Wars Comic

To prepare for this Friday’s episode of “Star Wars: Clone Wars” tv show, there has been a new comic released on the official Star Wars website.  You can see the comic here with art work provided by Grant Gould.

This week’s episode seems to be a continuation of last week.  Titled “Shadow of Malevolence” the episode centers around Anakin and his Padawan Ahsoka along with Jedi Master Plo Koon. They utilizes some untested long-range Y-wing bombers to lead a bold strike on General Grievous’ warship the Malevolence and its destructive weapon.  One of the interesting things to note is that these ARE the Y-wing fighters that we see in the original Star Wars movies with a slight difference.  In the original movies the rebel alliance was scrapping together any parts they could to assemble a fleet for the attack on the Death Star.  The ships that they had reflected that in the way that their engines were exposed.  These are the brand new model Y-wing fighters.

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3 Responses

  1. O.J. says:

    Wow, that’s really cool. I hadn’t even noticed. I should pay more attention the next time I watch that episode. I’m really digging the series so far.

  2. O.J. says:

    Hmmm, reading again I realised – you’e talking about the comic. Were the ships in the TV episode as well?

  3. Spencer says:

    The comic is leading up to the NEW cartoon that will be shown on Friday the 11th.

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