Celebration Japan; Day 2
Because I missed out on going and seeing the line and the ribbon cutting yesterday, I made a point to get out there on day 2 and see what it was like.
Then I went back inside, before anything started up and was able to take advantage of my exhibitor status and have some fun before there was a line! Â Randy and I took turns in the snow speeder and Denise snapped some photos.
Steve Sansweet had to have his turn as well.
We then moved on to the speeder bike.
Oh and then we had to get to work.
I got to see some more costumes at my table. Â Including the Lone Trooper, the Philippine outpost of the 501st, Darth Vader and his cousin Chef Vader (mmmm, gungan!), Han Solo, and then yesterdays Episode II Padme as funeral scene Episode III padme, and yesterday’s Ahsoka as Asajj.
As I was greeting people at my booth, I saw someone walk up and I said “Konnichiwa” and then noticed that it was my dear friends from Odate.  I was a missionary in Japan 14 years ago.  Odate was the last area that I lived in and I had become very good friends with this family.  I am so grateful that they made the effort to come down and see me.  I gave them one of my proof prints and then Keiko explained that she had met Chewbacca and then bought one of my Chewie sketch cards.  We went to dinner after the convent and I am SO happy to have seen them!

Did you ask Padme if you could rub her belly??
It’s sure fun to see you with Japanese people again. takes me back in time a bit.
Only look at those women’s eyes.
Very cool, it looks like you are having a lot of fun.
I didn’t actually ask Padme if I could rub her belly. The girl that was taking the picture suggested that I pose like that.