Category: Australia

Shopping 0


So, I talked to a guy at a shop in Fremantle and he said that I would have better luck finding my hat if I went in to Perth. I picked up Helen and...

Calling Dr. Jones 0

Calling Dr. Jones

Well, I like to try and buy something interesting from each of the areas that I go to. I’m a fan of Indiana Jones and I was doing some research before I left on...

Back to Fremantle 0

Back to Fremantle

I really enjoyed the building around Fremantle. It reminded me of downtown Flagstaff Arizona. This is the Roundhouse. It was the landing ground for the settlers. I tried to stitch together a panoramic shot...



I went out to dinner with Aubrey and Jan. We were walking down the street looking for a spot to eat when this older lady stopped us. She was obviously the “Mama” of this...

Public Art 0

Public Art

These images are from a short video sequence that I shot. As I moved from left to right the shape of the MC Escher optical illusion illustration are brought to life. by

Signs of the times 0

Signs of the times

Being in a foreign country is always, well, a bit foreign. Some of the phrases can be quite different. The idea of a “Yield” sign conjures images of surrender for most of the Aussies...

Walk-A-Bout 0


Shortly after arriving in WA (western Australia), I contacted Aubrey Adams. He is one of the Networking Academy instructors that we’re here to work with. I met up with him and his wife Jan...

Down Under / Over Easy 2

Down Under / Over Easy

So I forgot to document the way that the water drains clockwise (I’ve also come to know that the Aussies refer to our water draining as anti-clockwise), but I did notice this below. First,...

Fremantle 0


So I got in a bit late and decided to have dinner at the hotel. It was a buffet style dinner for only $35.00 and a mere $4.50 for a glass of lemon-aid. So...