The Adventure Continues…
I am pleased to announce the completion of my 2nd Sketch book.  The Adventures of Spencer Brinkerhoff III Year Two will have it’s debut at WonderCon in San Francisco on April 2nd.  It can be ordered through my online store or picked up in person at the convention.  Just like last years sketch book, it is 14 5″ x 7.5″ full color pages of sketches an illustrations available for only $5.00.  There is a sketch card spot on the front of the book for a commission black and white sketch for an additional $5.00.

This site right ‘ere is perty sweet.
Just kidding, but seriously.
I love the site! You sure make some pretty awesome things. My favorite is the flash site and the flash animations. If I only had money…I could get Flash CS4. My uncle works for Adobe and got me Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 and Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0. I just thought typing in Elements 7.0 would make it sound cool. It really is …Elements 7.0, though. You need to show me how to use and set up a flash site like yours.
(See you on the mini-hike, on Wednesday!)
Very nice. Wish you were coming to the Kansas City “Planet Comicon” this saturday (Marcy 27). Dave Dorman is supposed to be there though, so looking forward to that. Also three of the clone wars actors are supposed to make an appearance. Good times!
Hey Emmet, thanks for checking things out. Flash is pretty cool, and it doesn’t take much to learn, but there’s always something new to learn, so that’s frustrating!
The Planet Comicon show sounds pretty cool. I wish that I could be traveling every where!