The Han Solo Adventures
If you weren’t sure, I’d like to come right on out and say I’m a Star Wars fan.  That being said, my fandom pales in comparison to Stacy Davidson.  You see, Stacy is a Super fan and a collector of home game systems and arcade machines. Some of his favorite games of all time include Space Quest III and IV, King’s Quest VI, Fate of Atlantis, Full Throttle and The Dig. He took his love of adventure titles like Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and combined it with his love of Star Wars to make his own game.
He developed the game using the Adventure Game Studio software and of course HOURS and DAYS and WEEKS of his own time and he’s giving it away. According to his progress page, he is currently about 20% done with the game, but Stacy has announced on today that the game is fully playable through the first major section. This section encompasses a hand full of screens, characters and puzzles.  You can follow his progress at his website.
I personally enjoyed this YouTube video of the game play because it reminded me of this print that IÂ made….