Ben Burt and the Wilhelm Scream
Speaking of sound effects… Ben Burtt pioneered modern sound design, especially in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He has a reputation for including a sound effect dubbed “the Wilhelm scream” in many of the movies he’s worked on.Here’s a video and some info from Wikipedia about the Wilhelm scream.
The Wilhelm scream is a repeatedly used film and television stock sound effect first used in 1951 for the film Distant Drums. The effect gained new popularity (its use often becoming an in-joke) after it was used in Star Wars and many other blockbuster films as well as television programs and video games. The Wilhelm scream has become a well-known cinematic sound cliché, and is claimed to have been used in over 140 films, as well as every episode of Primeval, and in some form, every episode of The Middleman.I loved The Middleman. I was sad to see it go.