I Know… Now Available!
I am so very pleased to announce that the pre-order for my new Star Wars print is online now.  So to re-cap, there were 250 prints made for my first print which debuted at Celebration Japan.  They cost around $50/print.  There are only going to be 100 prints made for this print selling at $100/print.  Since they were pre-selling some of the prints at the Comic-Con they didn’t put the full amount up to order online.  Last Friday the online pre-order went live and the adjusted available online total was at 58 prints.  Current online total is at 35 prints available.  We have to pre-sell 50 of the prints to get the whole edition made and it looks like we’re about half way there!  So go over to Acme and buy a print!

1 Response
[…] had posted before that the print needed to pre-sell enough copies before it would go into full production.  Well, I […]