Tron 2
We interrupt your regularly scheduled comicCon update to inform you that a bootleg video of Tron 2 has hit the internet. I can’t wait to see this one!
Thanks Roy for the link out to the trailer.
byThe work of Spencer Brinkerhoff III
We interrupt your regularly scheduled comicCon update to inform you that a bootleg video of Tron 2 has hit the internet. I can’t wait to see this one!
Thanks Roy for the link out to the trailer.
Tron 2??? Really??? Come on! How could they improve on that movie!! It was so perfect. A second would be just a bleak reminder of how awesome the 1st one was. See? Even in that scene. Been there, done that, and the original concept was way better.
I don’t know, it seems like they’re remaking everything.
Here’s a tron costume for ya.
Careful, it’s pretty scary. Spencer, please, never, never do this!
Oh MY!!! Yeah, don’t EVER EVER EVER do that Spence!!!! I think I need to poke my eyes out now!
It’s been taken down.
I found it here, though:
Thanks again Roy for noticing that it’s been taken down.