Well, I got older…Again
The check engine light came on and I had it evaluated at Auto Zone. They said that the fuel was running lean, but that it was alright to drive. So we went to Serrano’s for my birthday dinner. As we were sitting there, this old guy walks by, looks at all the kids and asks if we were babysitting or something. He looked completely shocked when I said they were all mine, and then he said, “Cute little farts aren’t they?”
After dinner the car wouldn’t start. We got a hold of some friends from church that have a vehicle large enough to take us home. heh 😀 memories…
Lucky for me we didn’t need to put ALL the candles on the cake.
Um, earlier in the day I found Jackson eating dirt. Maybe he thought it was cake?

What a gorgeous family!
I love Megan’s face in the candle pic… like she’s blowing right along with you.
AND could that Jackson being any cuter??? Good grief!