Category: family

Halloween Costumes 2

Halloween Costumes

Spencer convinced Nicole that he should be Darth Vader. I had fun making the shoulder armor and the belt for this costume. Talley goes to sewing lessons with my Mom and they worked on...

Pumpkin Carving 3

Pumpkin Carving

I think that the pictures say it all.     by

Little devils 2

Little devils

Susan came over and showed us what her costume was going to be for Halloween. The kids had fun trying it on. by

Pre-Halloween fitting 0

Pre-Halloween fitting

We got down the Halloween box and started to go through the costumes. Talley grabbed the Mulan costume that Jenna had made when Spencer was a baby. Colee couldn’t decided which costume that she...

Haircut 2


Now that Jackson has turned a year old, we thought it was time for him to get a haircut. My sister Susan went to Carston’s and has been cutting our hair for years. Nicole...

A day of rest 0

A day of rest

I’m not quite sure how this came about, but Sunday afternoon had turned into Wrestle-Mania. It’s me against the kids and somebody is always getting hurt. A recent addition to our wrestling is to...

The Big ONE 0

The Big ONE

That’s my boy! Chocolate cake and ice cream. It’s always easier to finish things off instead of having to store all those left overs. by

Souvenirs 1


Island Barbie Princess had just come out while I was in India, and the girls wanted some jewelry just like she had! Spencer got a boomerang. We’ve got a good sized backyard so I...

Belated update 1

Belated update

Yes! I’m home. I fell off the whole blogging wagon. I’m going to work to make sure that I keep a bit more updated now that I’m back into a somewhat normal schedule. The...

Now departing Phoenix 2

Now departing Phoenix

  LOOK AT THE GEEK!!! The kids were pretty good when I left. Nicole was asleep, so I didn’t get to say good bye to her. by