Halloween Costumes
Spencer convinced Nicole that he should be Darth Vader. I had fun making the shoulder armor and the belt for this costume. Talley goes to sewing lessons with my Mom and they worked on...
The work of Spencer Brinkerhoff III
Spencer convinced Nicole that he should be Darth Vader. I had fun making the shoulder armor and the belt for this costume. Talley goes to sewing lessons with my Mom and they worked on...
Susan came over and showed us what her costume was going to be for Halloween. The kids had fun trying it on. by
We got down the Halloween box and started to go through the costumes. Talley grabbed the Mulan costume that Jenna had made when Spencer was a baby. Colee couldn’t decided which costume that she...
I’m not quite sure how this came about, but Sunday afternoon had turned into Wrestle-Mania. It’s me against the kids and somebody is always getting hurt. A recent addition to our wrestling is to...
That’s my boy! Chocolate cake and ice cream. It’s always easier to finish things off instead of having to store all those left overs. by
Yes! I’m home. I fell off the whole blogging wagon. I’m going to work to make sure that I keep a bit more updated now that I’m back into a somewhat normal schedule. The...
 LOOK AT THE GEEK!!! The kids were pretty good when I left. Nicole was asleep, so I didn’t get to say good bye to her. by